Tincuta Marin is an intriguing painter and sculptor with a spell-binding ability for fantastical and transhistorical storytelling. Driven by an abundant imagination, Marin synthesises different characters and stylistic references from Romanian folklore and ancient civilisations. She does so not in an expressively allegorical way, but rather in an inventive melange of elements and personages she finds fascinating, composed into scenes with a mystical allure. Marin is a syncretic storyteller that ropes us into her oneiric world to take on a nonlinear journey through imagination, craft, folklore, and art history. 


Tincuta Marin (1995, Galati, Romania), lives and works in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. She obtained a Master’s degree in painting at the University of Art and Design of Cluj-Napoca. Recent solo exhibitions have been presented at Oratorio del Crociferi, Venice; CFHILL Stockholm, Sweden; Jecza Gallery, Timisoara, Romania; National Museum of Art Cluj-Napoca, Romania. She has participated in recent group exhibitions at Plan Gallery, Berlin; Museum of Recent Art, Bucharest, Romania; Zina Project Space, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; David Kovats Gallery, London; and Secci Gallery, Florence. Upcoming exhibitions include autoportret at GaleriaPlan B, Berlin.